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6 Benefits of no-code approach

Andrii Bas
Founder & CEO at Sommo
6 Benefits of no-code approach
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Building an app was never easy, but with the emergence of no-code, it could be a different story. No-code is not mere hype, but a practical solution for founders who are pressed for budget, time, and with no programming skills. There are many benefits of turning to the no-code approach, particularly if you’re building a startup.

What is no-code

No-code is an app development approach that doesn’t involve coding. Instead of spending long hours coding, users make use of the drag-and-drop element to develop an app. For example, you can build a food delivery app with existing templates and add building blocks like galleries or order carts.

Does this mean that no-code apps run without codes? Not exactly. What happens with no-code solutions is that the coding is separated from the logic and syntax. The coding is hidden behind the visual elements, which leaves the users putting together the logic.

Therefore, you can build a functional app with a no-code platform even if you haven’t coded anything before. No-code redefines the meaning of app development as it’s no longer true that you need to be a proficient developer to build an app.

6 Benefits Of No-Code Development

If you’re a founder hoping to test your idea with an app, you’ll want to turn to no-code. You stand to benefit the most from the no-code approach and here’s how.

Save Time

Part of building a successful startup is about getting the product to the market in the quickest time. The old ways of app development are notoriously time-consuming. It could take 4-6 months before you could test the market with an MVP.

Like every other founder, you have no time to waste when it comes to building an app. With no-code you can reduce the development time by up to 80%. Instead of taking months, it’s possible to release an MVP in just 2-3 weeks.

Using no-code platforms like, Thunkable, Weblow or Adalo drastically reduced the delivery timeline. The tedious process of coding and testing is removed from the equation.

In one of our recent projects, we delivered Dyvo, an application for creating images with artificial intelligence in only 4 week. The app was developed on the no-code platform Bubble.

Reduce Cost

In business, time is as valuable, if not more, than money. The amount of time saved by using no-code is invaluable. With that said, building apps with no-code also cuts down direct expenses. For a start, you don’t have to hire a team of developers to build an MVP or to maintain the app after release.

Building an MVP can cost tens of thousands of dollars or more. However, if you’re using a no-code platform, you’ll be only paying the monthly subscription fee, which amounts to hundreds of dollars a month on average.

In case you’re unable to build no-code apps on your own, you can hire no-code developers, which are still cheaper than conventional custom software developers. For example, our team at Sommo can deliver your first version at $5K - $10K USD (on average).

Scalable And Flexible

Think big and start small — the same saying applies when it comes to building an app. You’ll want to start with basic features and expand as your startup grows. If you’re sticking with conventional app development, scalability can be tough and so is staying flexible.

In order to be scalable, you’ll need to leverage cloud technologies and that’s what no-code is all about. You can start by subscribing to a lower-priced package (or often free!), which comes with lower server capacity, storage, and the number of downloads, and upgrade only when necessary.

Similarly, no-code takes flexibility up a notch compared to custom development. You need to be responsive to feedback and trends. Adding features or modifying existing logic on no-code apps is quite simple. It doesn’t involve coding but is a matter of managing the visual blocks on the app interface.

Automate Repetitive Tasks

No-code pros aren't limited to building apps in the shortest time. This revolutionary approach is equally helpful in helping you automate repetitive business tasks. For example, you need to transfer data between CRMs at a specific period, or you’re spending too much time sending emails, which can be automated. Tools like Mailchimp, Zapier, Airtable, Typeform, help here.

Sure, you can delegate the repetitive tasks to a team member, or hire a virtual assistant. Regardless, it’s a waste of your resources when there’s a more efficient solution. With no-code, you can take charge and put an end to time-wasting tasks.

No-code platforms offer dynamic functionalities that let you build apps to automate repetitive tasks in a matter of days. It’s a cost-efficient and better use of your time and money.

Control Your Business And Process

While outsourcing is popular amongst founders, it does have its downside. When you outsource, you lack control over the timeline, process, and deliverables. Add communication and time zone differences to the fold and your risk having things spiral out of control.

When your success heavily relies on the app, it’s unsurprising that you want to have more control of how things turn out. That’s where no-code solutions kick in. No-code tools are designed for non-technical users, not expert developers.

You’ll be able to learn how to use no-code tools easily and start building apps on your own or engage with the Sommo team. Either way, you’ll have total control from start to finish and full ownership of the app.

Bring your awesome startup idea to life

Every app idea is just an idea until it gets tested. The quickest way to do that is to build a mockup or an MVP with no-code tools. Instead of spending months writing codes, you can build an app in a matter of days with a no-code platform.

You don’t have to keep your investors waiting as no-code drastically speeds up development time. You’ll have something tangible on the table instead of a vague idea as you negotiate for funding.

The shortened timeline is also helpful when you’re seeking feedback from users. You don’t have to keep users hanging when you can fine-tune the app and release subsequent updates in a matter of days.


No-code development is perhaps the much-awaited technology for startup founders. If you’re tired of expensive, time-consuming development, no-code is the answer. Many successful apps have been built on no-code platforms (check here) and there are no reasons why you can’t experience similar results.

Talk to our team now and start bringing your ideas to life with no-code solutions.

Andrii Bas
Founder & CEO at Sommo

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