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Zapier and pricing, features, alternatives

Andrii Bas
Founder & CEO at Sommo
Zapier and pricing, features, alternatives
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At Sommo, we heavily rely on integration platforms to connect disparate systems and streamline our workflows. These tools are pivotal in allowing us to develop multifunctional applications and significantly boost business efficiency quickly.

Our go-to tools for automation are Zapier and Make. Both platforms offer clear, transparent pricing models, including a free tier to get started the same day an idea strikes.

In this article, we'll explore Zapier and Make's main pricing principles, explore their different plans, and discuss the features included in each. Additionally, we'll consider simpler alternatives like IFTTT and more advanced solutions such as Workato and Mulesoft, providing a comprehensive understanding of the cost structures involved in creating automated workflows for your applications.


What is Zapier?

Zapier connects apps and services, enabling you to automate repetitive tasks.

Zapier has a user-friendly interface allows users to create workflows (called Zaps) through simple, straightforward steps. Each Zap consists of a trigger (the event that starts the Zap) and one or more actions (what the Zap does in response to the trigger). You can tailor these automations to suit your specific operational needs, streamlining business processes and improving efficiency across multiple functions.

Zapier’s platform empowers non-technical users to automate workflows and processes by using simple conditional logic and actions that trigger between apps based on the data received. This capability democratizes the power of integration by making it usable by anyone in the organization.

Zapier pricing

Zapier pricing offers plans that vary based on the number of users, the complexity of workflows, such as the number of steps and triggers, and features like polling time. You can start immediately with a free plan to test the user-friendly interface and functionalities. Zapier provides options for monthly or annual payments, with the yearly subscription offering a savings of 33%, making it a cost-effective choice if you plan to use the service long-term.

Option 1

0 USD / up to 100 tasks / mo
1 user

2 steps

1 trigger (e.g., a new email lead) and one action (e.g., add the lead to my CRM)

Polling time 15 min

Custom test records

AI power-ups
Option 2

from 29.99 USD / 750 tasks / mo

Each task above your plan’s limit will cost 1.25x the cost of a task on your subscription
1 user


Polling time 2 min

Everything in Option 1, plus:
+ Filters and Paths
+ Autoreplay
+ Customized polling time
+ Flood protection settings
+ Versions
+ Connections via webhooks
Option 3

from 103.50 USD / 2K tasks / mo

Each task above your plan’s limit will cost 1.25x the cost of a task on your subscription
Unlimited users

Everything in Option 2, plus:
+ Audit log
+ Static IP
+ Owner access
+ Shared app connections
+ Shared workspace
+ Folder permissions
Option 4

Custom pricing

Features of Zapier

Zapier offers several features that are particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs):

  • Multi-step Zaps: These allow you to create complex workflows where an action in one app can trigger multiple actions in one or more other apps.
  • Webhooks: You can send real-time data from one app to another.
  • Paths: This feature enables conditional logic, where different actions can be taken based on specific criteria within the workflow.
  • App Integration: Zapier supports integration with over 6,000 apps, facilitating connectivity across a diverse range of tools used by SMBs for functions like CRM, marketing, project management, and customer support.

What can you create with Zapier 

Zaps can range from simple one-step tasks to complex multi-step processes. Here are some examples of what you can create with Zapier:

  • You can automatically transfer data between apps. For example, you can set up a Zap to add new Google Forms responses to a Google Sheet or save Gmail attachments directly to Dropbox.
  • Automatically post on social media platforms. For instance, you could create a Zap that posts new WordPress blog entries as updates on your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.
  • Send automated emails or Slack messages based on specific triggers, such as a new lead in Salesforce or a completed task in Asana.
  • Integrate CRM tools with other applications to manage leads and track sales activities. For example, new leads from Facebook Ads can be added directly to a CRM like HubSpot or Salesforce.
  • Connect tools like Trello, Asana, and JIRA to automate project management workflows. Set up notifications for new tasks or move tasks between stages based on certain conditions.
  • Link your customer support tools with other platforms. For example, create tickets in Zendesk or Help Scout from incoming emails or form submissions.
  • Automate tasks related to e-commerce platforms such as Shopify or WooCommerce, like sending an email confirmation after an order or updating inventory based on sales data.

What is

As well as Zapier, (formaly Integromat) is a robust online platform that enables users to automate workflows across various applications and systems without needing coding skills. It offers a visual interface where you can design, build, and automate tasks ranging from simple to highly complex workflows. This versatility makes it suitable for individuals, teams, and enterprises looking to streamline their operations and enhance efficiency. supports integration with a wide array of apps, allowing users to connect different services and automate actions based on triggers and conditions defined within their workflows. This can include everything from syncing data between tools, automating communications, managing data entries, and much more.

The platform is known for its capability to handle intricate automation scenarios, often exceeding what's possible with other automation tools like Zapier, especially in terms of the complexity and number of operations within a single workflow. pricing

All of's plans allow an unlimited number of users but differ in several key aspects, such as the maximum scenario execution time, maximum file size, number of active scenarios (analog of Zaps in Zapier), the minimum interval between scheduled scenarios, and the duration of execution log storage. Additionally, more advanced plans include a greater range of features such as Make API endpoints, team roles, and the ability to create and share scenario templates. Opting for an annual subscription to can result in savings of up to 15%.

Option 1

0 USD / 1000 ops / mo
Unlimited users

Maximum scenario execution time 5 min

Maximum file size 5 MB

Maximum number of active scenarios = 2

Minimum interval between scheduled scenarios 15 min Execution log storage 7 days
Option 2

10.59 USD / 10000 ops / mo
Unlimited users

Maximum scenario execution time 40 min

Maximum file size 100 MB Maximum number of active scenarios unlimited

Minimum interval between scheduled scenarios 1 min Execution log storage 30 days

+ Access to 300+ Make API endpoints [60 request/min]
Option 3

18.82 USD / 10000 ops / mo
Unlimited users

Maximum scenario execution time 40 min

Maximum file size 250 MB

Maximum number of active scenarios unlimited

Minimum interval between scheduled scenarios 1 min Execution log storage 30 days

Access to 300+ Make API endpoints [120 request/min]
Option 4

34.12 USD / 10000 ops / mo
Unlimited users

Maximum scenario execution time 40 min

Maximum file size 500 MB

Maximum number of active scenarios unlimited

Minimum interval between scheduled scenarios 1 min Execution log storage 30 days

Access to 300+ Make API endpoints [240 request/min]

+ Teams and team rolesv+ Create and share scenario templates"
Option 5

Custom pricing
Advanced vs Zapier and other alternatives

Comparing with other automation tools like Zapier, MuleSoft,, Microsoft Power Automate, Integrately, and IFTTT, we find several distinctions:

Complexity and Control: allows for more complex workflows than Zapier and IFTTT, which tend to be more user-friendly but less flexible for intricate processes. Unlike Zapier, which restricts up to 10 paths in your Zap, and up to 3 nested paths (paths within a path), Make does not limit the number of routes you can use in a scenario, allowing for more detailed and complex automations.

Visual Workflow Creation: uses a visual, mind map-like interface that differs significantly from the list-type interface used by Zapier. This visual approach helps in designing and understanding the flow of data and logic across apps more intuitively, which is particularly useful for designing complex integrations.

Integration Depth and Scope: While platforms like Zapier and Microsoft Power Automate boast a higher number of app integrations, offers a depth of integration with powerful features like HTTP/SOAP and JSON/XML tools, which are beneficial for technical users who need to perform custom data transformations.

Overall, is well-suited for SMBs that require robust automation capabilities with detailed control over their workflows, making it a compelling choice for those who find other tools like Zapier or IFTTT too limiting or not sufficiently robust for complex scenarios​.

What can you create with

You can create a wide variety of automations using, utilizing their extensive gallery of templates for different scenarios or starting from scratch to tailor to your specific needs. In addition to the examples we have already discussed above for Zapier, here are a few examples that you can explore and try out with

  • Automating Video Creation: You can automate video production using templates from Creatomate within This involves setting up triggers and actions to automate the integration of dynamic content into video templates, which can then be posted to platforms like Instagram. This type of automation is ideal for creating promotional videos or social media content dynamically. For a detailed guide on this process, you can visit Creatomate's tutorial on automating video creation with
  • Creating Dynamic Images: Similarly, you can automate the creation of images by integrating dynamic data such as prices or product photos into image templates. This can be particularly useful for marketing purposes, where you can automatically generate images for new products or sales promotions. The process involves using HTTP requests to send data to an image rendering service like Creatomate and then using the resulting images in your marketing channels. For more information, check out how to create images with
  • Using Predefined Templates: offers a wide range of templates for various uses, from project management and customer support to marketing and data management. These templates provide a quick way to get started with common tasks and are fully customizable to fit your specific workflow needs. You can explore these templates directly on's templates page.


IFTTT (If This Then That) is an automation platform that allows users to create simple connections between apps and devices using a conditional logic format known as "applets." It was designed to make the internet more user-friendly and automate tasks without needing coding knowledge. IFTTT supports a wide array of services, from social media platforms to smart home devices, making it a versatile tool for personal use and simple business automation​​.

IFTTT's simplicity and ease of use make it particularly appealing for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that may not require complex workflow integrations. The platform can automate tasks such as social media posts, smart device control, and syncing files across applications. 

IFTTT offers a straightforward approach to automation with its one-step applets, unlike Zapier and, which provide more complex multi-step automation capabilities that might be more suitable for advanced business needs. 

IFTTT pricing offers three main plans:

Free Plan: Supports limited applets with standard execution speeds, suitable for basic personal use.

Pro Plan: Costs $5 per month, allowing up to 20 applets, faster execution, and multi-action capabilities, which might be adequate for more engaged personal users or small businesses.

Pro+ Plan: Priced at $10 per month, providing unlimited applets, access to developer tools, and priority support, ideal for more intensive users or those with multiple accounts​ (Cloudwards)​.

Here are a few practical examples you can try with IFTTT:

Social Media Management: Automatically post your Instagram photos as native Twitter photos. 

Smart Home Automation: Get a notification when the International Space Station passes over your home. 

Productivity Enhancement: Automatically save attachments from Gmail to Google Drive. 


Workato is an integration and automation platform designed to support both business and IT teams, allowing them to collaborate on integrating their applications without compromising security and governance. The platform is highly flexible, versatile, and scalable, making it suitable for businesses looking to automate processes, publish APIs, and handle event streams among other functionalities.

While Zapier and focus primarily on connecting multiple applications with simpler triggers and actions, Workato offers a deeper level of integration with a strong emphasis on enterprise needs such as enhanced security, large-scale data handling, and complex workflow automation. Unlike Zapier and, which are more geared towards general business users with an interface that supports simpler, drag-and-drop automation creation, Workato caters to a mix of basic business users as well as more complex IT and data integration needs.

Workato pricing offers customized pricing based on the specific needs and scale of the business, which typically involves contacting their sales team to get a tailored quote. This approach allows Workato to provide specific features and services that match the size and requirements of the business.

Workato's basic workspace package starts at $10,000 per year, providing unlimited access to apps, tasks, jobs, connections, and users​ (Workato​). For more specific or extensive needs, prices can range significantly:

  • The Enterprise tier can range from $4,650 to $25,999 annually.
  • The Embedded Platform Workspace is priced between $1,200 and $15,000 per year.
  • For standard workspace needs, the cost can be anywhere from $3,300 to $10,000 annually​ (Vendr)​.

These prices reflect the flexibility of Workato's offerings, designed to cater to different business sizes and requirements. It’s important to note that the final cost can be influenced by contract size, the specific needs of the business, and potential negotiations at the time of purchase. 


MuleSoft, part of Salesforce, offers a range of integration and automation solutions primarily through its Anypoint Platform. This platform facilitates the design, management, and deployment of APIs and integrations, providing features suitable for a variety of enterprise needs, including robust data integration capabilities and API management.

MuleSoft Anypoint Platform does not publicly list specific pricing details on their website, as their pricing model is based on the needs of each customer and typically involves tailored quotes. 

The platform offers various packages, each designed to accommodate different integration and API management needs, and the costs are influenced by factors such as the scale of deployment, number of APIs, and additional features required:

  1. Anypoint Integration Starter: This package includes core features for API and integration management but has limited API management capabilities.
  1. Anypoint Integration Advanced: Offers advanced monitoring, log management, and support for hybrid deployment models.
  1. API Management Solution: Provides comprehensive tools for full lifecycle API management.

However, to give you a rough idea of what's generally known:

MuleSoft often requires a minimum investment that could be substantial, with prices typically starting in the tens of thousands of dollars per year. This can go higher based on the scale and complexity of the solutions needed.

Specific packages, such as Anypoint Integration Advanced, offer more extensive features like advanced monitoring, log management, and support for hybrid deployments, which could also affect the pricing.

For exact pricing, it is recommended to contact MuleSoft directly to get a customized quote that matches your business requirements. 

For those looking for a more straightforward, less code-intensive integration tool, MuleSoft also offers the Composer platform, which allows for app integration using a simpler interface. Composer's pricing starts at $27,000 per year for connecting up to three apps with 250,000 tasks per year​​.


Both Zapier and have their strengths, depending on the complexity and scale of the automation required. Zapier offers a wide range of integrations tailored for professional applications, while provides visually managed workflows that are particularly advantageous for users with technical expertise.

IFTTT features a user-friendly interface that is great for simpler automation tasks and personal use. On the other hand, Workato and Mulesoft offer advanced functionalities suitable for enterprise-level integrations, focusing on scalability and security.

If you're seeking an integration solution that is easy to set up, user-friendly, and customizable, feel free to contact the experienced team at Sommo. Our specialists are ready to provide guidance customized to your business requirements.

Andrii Bas
Founder & CEO at Sommo

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